觉得无聊用英语怎么说 我好无聊用英语怎么说


觉得无聊用英语怎么说 我好无聊用英语怎么说

表达自己郁闷无聊的心情,你可以这样说 。
●I'm bored out of my mind.
我感到无聊极了 。●I'm bored out of my skull.
我感到无聊得要命了 。●Do you find this class boring?
你觉得这堂课无聊吗?●This cannot get anymore dull.
这再乏味不过了 。●Listening to his lecture is like watching paint dry.
听他的讲座简直无聊透顶 。●The mall blows.
逛商场很无聊 。【觉得无聊用英语怎么说 我好无聊用英语怎么说】●That is the last straw.
我再也忍不下去了 。●I'm bored to death.
我快无聊死了 。●It's getting on my nerves.
真让人心烦 。英语口语900句¥36.8购买
觉得无聊用英语怎么说 我好无聊用英语怎么说

心情不好了 , 整个世界都跟着不好了,看到什么都觉得讨厌 。表达自己对某事物的厌恶之情,你可以这样说 。
●That's really bothersome.
真令人讨厌 。●This kind of weather is very depressing.
这样的天气真令人压抑 。●I'm fed up with this work.
这份工作烦死人了 。●I can't take this work anymore.
我再也受不了这个工作了 。●I'm sick and tired of all this.
我要烦死了 。●She was weary of years of housework.
这么多年干家务,她已经厌倦了 。
●These meetings are a total drag.
开这些会真是烦人 。●My work bothered me.
我的工作让我心烦 。●That gives me the hump.
那事使我心烦 。●I'm fed up with waiting for her.
我已经等够她了 。