
1、it seems to me that something is not valued highly enough… the possible reason may be… 在我看来 , 对某事的重视还不够,可能的原因或许是… 。
2、but possibly the problem lies not so much in (our institutions) as in (our attitudes) 。但可能问题出在我们的态度上,而不是我们的机构上 。
3、there are many factors that may account for this result, but the following are the most typical ones. First, … 有许多因素可解释这一结果,但如下的是最典型的因素 。第一,… 。
4、there are many reasons responsible for this instance, and the following are the typical ones. 造成这一情况有许多原因,如下的原因就很典型 。
5、there are similar reasons when we consider that … 当我们考虑…有类似的原因 。
6、there are numerous reasons why … , and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones. 有许多原因导致…在此我只想就最重要的几个探讨一下 。
【四级常用作文句型】7、it is easy to understand the reasons for this (prejudice against) something. One problem is that to most of us, doing something looks like doing something. 理解造成对某事的偏见的原因并不困难 。问题是对我们大多数人来说,做某事似乎就是做某事 。
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