1、谁也承担不起另一个人的感情寄托 , 这件事我明白得太晚了 。
It was too late for me to realize that no one could afford another's affection.
2、听了太多太多的歌 , 从没想过会有一天听哭了 。
Listening to too many songs, never thought one day to listen to cry.
----微丧·氟西汀·背景图:听了太多太多的歌从没想过会有一天听哭了//----草丁生活 http://life.caoding.cn/
3、有个姑娘说 , 你听的歌都太矫情 , 我说 , 你一定是爱情里被爱的那一个 。
A girl said, you listen to the song are too melodramatic, I said, you must be the love of that one.
4、等一个不爱自己的人 , 就像在机场等一艘船 。
Waiting for someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a boat at the airport.
----微丧·氟西汀·背景图:听了太多太多的歌从没想过会有一天听哭了//----草丁生活 http://life.caoding.cn/
5、她的手只有我的手四分之三那么大 , 可我还是没能抓住 。
Her hand was three quarters the size of mine, but I still couldn't catch it.
6、当你拥抱一个你爱的人 , 他竟然把你抱得更紧 。
When you hug someone you love, they hug you even tighter.
----微丧·氟西汀·背景图:听了太多太多的歌从没想过会有一天听哭了//----草丁生活 http://life.caoding.cn/
7、你说你放下了 , 那我也很好 。
You said you put it down, then I'm fine.
8、以后嫁给你的女生真是太幸福了 , 我以后一定要摸摸她的婚纱告诉她这是我从十七岁开始的梦想 。
After marrying your girl is too happy, I must touch her wedding dress tell her this is my dream from the age of 17.
----微丧·氟西汀·背景图:听了太多太多的歌从没想过会有一天听哭了//----草丁生活 http://life.caoding.cn/
9、我确实想你 , 也想睡你 , 更想睡醒有你 。
I really miss you, also want to sleep you, more want to wake up with you.
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